What Are the Women With Destiny/Daughters of Destiny (WWD/DD)?
Proverbs 31; Luke 1:28; Psalm 45:9; Genesis 1; Malachi 3:17
A ministry where Godly women of precious like faith come together to be edified, built up, and strengthened in the Word of God under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
What is the Purpose of the Women With Destiny/Daughters of Destiny?
This ministry is dedicated to women only and focuses on their particular needs in their everyday life and journey with Christ.
What is the Vision of Women With Destiny/Daughters of Destiny?
To empower women to prosper in the Word, to encourage them to be strong in the Lord and to be all that God has called them to be through the practical teaching of anointed speakers, psalmists and other ministers.